Tuesday, March 20, 2007

At ease, gentlemen.

I've made things. It's nice to be able to do it. Lethargy and lack of motivation, for whatever reasons, has hindered that quite a bit lately.

I saw a few things while out and about that got me making these. These pictures are of the outside. I plan to put some little objects I've made out of clay on the inside and cover them in resin. The detail work could be better, but these things are tiny! And for a first try I'm quite pleased.

This will be a necklace, probably. I made another bird-banner thing, but it broke. So I've made another, bigger, sturdier one. It's in the process of being painted at the moment. The detail on this is a bit hard to see. It's black with dark blue lines.

Also. I put up shelves finally. I have a workspace! My desk is not facing a wall anymore and I'm much more inclined to work at it. After seeing all over the internet pictures of books arranged by color, I put up mine this way as well. It is quite functional for me, as I tend to remember the size and color of a book more often than I remember the complete name. This isn't all my books, oddly enough. The white colored books are on the bookshelf. I'm also quite thrilled with the lovely color I've painted my walls. I started putting things up on them this week as well.